Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Finally, this is the day for the presentation of the final project.
After all those hard works that we pulled in this project, we had produced a blog in order to guide
the pupils on the topic "Phases of the Moon".

Here is a our blog. Click HERE to go to our blog.


In this week, we were still given an opportunity by Dr.Rohaida to do the final project. As it is a group work, everybody gives full co-operation in finishing the project.

Everybody were serious in working for the final project as the following week is the presentation for the final project.


In this week, we have to proceed our work in completing the last assignment for this subject.
We already consulted the lecturer and Dr. Rohaida approve it and now we are in progress for the project.

We had chosen blog as our platform for the final project. For this final project we had chose "Phases of the Moon" to teach the students.


In this week, we had learnt about ADDIE Model. There are five phases in this model.
Design phase

This is the phase where storyboard is designed for the entire website.


The actual creation (production) of the content and learning materials based on the Design phase.


This phase is the phase where the tool is tested. Thus, in this phase the effectiveness of the tool will be evaluated and the weaknesses and strengths are discovered


This is the phase where feedback is gained for further improvements and modification.


On this week, we have to present our second assignment. We have to one online tool and design it for the educational purpose. This assignment is a continuous task for what we had learnt before which is web 2.0 tools. We have to choose a tool to be use in teaching science and my group decided to choose Instant Messaging (IM) to teach science. We had chosen Yahoo Messenger (YM) instead of other IM's such as SKYPE, Windows Live Messenger and Google Talk.

By using YM, it enables the students create discussion on the topic taught in class and enable them to interact with the teacher after the class session.

Instead of that, we are also can share medias through the YM. By using this medium, we can share files such as paperwork or videos.


Educational website. I realize that, there are so many educational websites in the internet. Those websites are very useful for the students in order to gain more knowledge. Are those websites meet the standard requirement to be use as academic purposes. So that, in order to have a good educational site, we should have a checklist rubric in order to design a learning website.

In this lecture, we were introduced to the usage of software evaluation rubrics which researched and developed by Kristin Miller and Jacqueline Bach, SAS in School Interns.
The rubrics enable us to evaluate many aspects of a software or website for academic purposes.
Those aspects as listed below :
  • instructional contents
  • curriculum connections
  • graphic and multimedia
  • layout
  • technical aspect
  • adaptability and accessibility
  • learner engagement and interactivity
  • teacher and learner support material
  • assessment
  • age/grade level
  • flexibility
It is important to ensure that the website is user-friendly and it is updated from time to time in order to provide latest information to the users. In addition, it is crucial to make sure that the sites are reliable to be use with the curriculum.


In this week lecture, we were exposed to web 2.0 tools. There are many kind of web 2.o tools that exist and we can manipulate those tools to be use in teaching and learning process.
Before this, maybe we use this platform for social networking and so on.

For information, Web 2.0 websites allow users to do more than just retrieve information. By increasing what was already possible in "Web 1.0", they provide the user with more user-interface, software and storage facilities, all through their browser. This has been called "Network as Platform" computing. Users can provide the data that is on a Web 2.0 site and exercise some control over that data.These sites may have an "Architecture of participation" that encourages users to add value to the application as they use it.

For this lecture, we were introduced to a few web 2.0 platforms that can be used as a medium for the teaching and learning process. The platforms are :
  • wikis
  • blog
  • social networking (e.g: facebook)
  • media sharing
The four platforms have different functions. It shows that web 2.0 consist of variety of function which meet the users. If we use those platforms in the right way, it able to be good platform for teaching and learning process.

Monday, November 1, 2010


This is our fifth lecture for this subject. Besides, the activity done in this week is a continuous progress from the previous week. In previous week, we had learnt on six strategies for teaching science and we were proceed to the first strategies which is MBL-computer- based laboratory.

It was different with the previous weeks where the lesson held in the computer lab. In order to get the real atmosphere of MBL-computer-based laboratory strategy, we were having the class in the science lab. This lab is a MicroComputer Based.

Here, we were given opportunity to do some hands-on activity which reflects to MBL strategy. It was good for us to experience the MBL learning strategy that we never been exposed before.

There are many probes that can be used in the MBL strategy. My group have to conduct a simple experiment by using "light sensor" probe. This probe functioned to measure the light density on an area. The unit of light density used is "lux". In the experiment, we had measured the light density from different sources which are from a phone and the light emitted from the the florescent bulb in the lab. Other than that, we also grab the opportunity to try on other probes which are force sensor, motion sensor, temperature sensor and also heart rate sensor.

After that, we have to make a discussion on using the MBL strategy in teaching science for primary school. We do agree that it is good to use it in the primary school because it able to lower the risk in making dangerous experiments. Besides, those probes are easy to handle and the data will be automatically collected in form of graph.

We were told by Dr. Rohaida that the set of tools are expensive and we have to handle it with care. From that I can understand why it is difficult to implement this kind of strategy in the school.

It was a valuable experience for having opportunity to use the probes..